美国Kestrel气象仪和数据记录仪为您提供收集准确的微气候数据所需的一切,并提高对周围环境的了解。 无论该信息是应用于公共监管用途,研究计划还是旨在获得有关其所在社区的知识的公民科学家项目,都需要可靠,可靠的数据。
有信心,使用Kestrel系列气象仪和数据记录仪,您可以随时随地了解您的情况 - 从简单的瞬时风读数的便利性到相对空气密度等计算的效率。 继续探索值得探索的问题,并配备您可信赖的环境数据。 Kestrel系列气象仪和数据记录仪是一个准确,可靠的工具,有助于学习和了解我们周围的世界。
Study, discover, and easily document with reliable environmental monitoring tools.
The Kestrel line of meters and loggers provides you with everything you need to collect accurate, micro-climate data and improve understanding about the immediate environment. Whether that information is applied to public regulatory uses, advanced research initiatives or citizen scientist projects aimed at gaining knowledge about the communities they live in, reliable, trusted data is required.
Be confident that with a Kestrel, you can know your conditions whenever and wherever you are – from the convenience of simple, instantaneous wind readings to the efficiency of advanced calculations such as relative air density. Go after the questions worth exploring equipped with environmental data you can trust. Kestrel Weather & Environmental Meters are an accurate, reliable tool to aid in studying and understanding the world around us.
无论是在教室,实验室还是在现场,研究中最重要的组成部分是准确性。 全球研究人员信赖Kestrel系列气象仪和数据记录仪,为各种研究提供可靠的测量。 从环境保护,海洋和海洋研究到洞穴研究和科学探险,Kestrel Meter使得实时数据的收集变得简单。 Kestrel 5000系列具有Bluetooth®低能量数据传输功能,可通过现场或实验室中的即时无线功能简化记录条件和深入分析。
Education Tools & Academic Research
Whether in a classroom, laboratory or in the field, the most important component of research is accuracy. Researchers worldwide trust Kestrel Weather & Environmental Meters to give them reliable measurements for a diverse range of studies. From environmental conservation, marine and ocean research to cave research and scientific expeditions, the Kestrel Meter makes gathering real-time data simple. The Kestrel 5000 series with Bluetooth® low energy data transfer makes documenting conditions and in-depth analysis simple with instant wireless capabilities in the field or in the lab.
为了满足医疗设备生产和制药生产环境中的质量和安全标准,需要进行严格的环境测试。 使用Kestrel Meter或数据记录器作为测试过程中不可或缺的工具,QA咨询专业人员可以轻松跟踪关键数据,然后快速记录历史和当前结果,作为整个质量保证计划的支持数据。通过使用Kestrel装置简单的无线LiNK功能监控制造环境并根据行业标准进行记录,可以证明无菌条件,降低产品和公司的风险。
Medical & Pharma
To meet quality and safety standards in the production of medical devices and in pharmaceutical manufacturing settings, rigorous environmental testing is required. With a Kestrel Meter or data logger as an integral tool during the testing process, QA consulting professionals are and easily able to track critical data and then quickly document historical and current results that will serve as the support data for your entire quality assurance program.
By monitoring the manufacturing environment and documenting according to industry standards with a Kestrel unit’s simple wireless LiNK capabilities, sterile conditions can be demonstrated, reducing the risk to both products and company.
科学考察和环境研究项目经常将研究人员引向极端环境Kestrel系列气象仪和数据记录仪在最严苛的条件下以高精度执行。 我们的仪表已经与研究人员一起前往山顶,远程丛林和冰川。 气压和露点有助于预测天气趋势; 风寒和热应力指数警告长期暴露的危险条件。 Kestrel 5500系列具有广泛的内存和蓝牙®低能量数据传输功能,是保存日志或将信息发送回营地的理想选择。 使用Kestrel系列气象仪和数据记录仪做好准备,保持安全并保持正常运行。 Kestrel DROP可以从任何地方提供快速简便的监控和数据记录功能 - 只需将DROP连接到固定点,并通过远程设备在100'范围内远程访问环境数据。
Environmental Research & Scientific Expeditions
Scientific expeditions and environmental study projects often lead researchers to extreme environments. Kestrel Weather Meters perform in the toughest of conditions at high accuracy. Our meters have traveled with researchers on mountaintops, to remote jungles and across glaciers. Barometric pressure and dewpoint help to predict weather trends; wind chill and heat stress index warn of dangerous conditions for long-term exposure. The Kestrel 5000 series' extensive memory and Bluetooth® low energy data transfer capabilities are ideal for keeping logs or sending information back to camp. Stay prepared, stay safe and stay on course with a Kestrel Weather & Environmental Meter. The Kestrel DROP provides quick and easy monitoring and data logging capabilities from anywhere - simply attach the DROP to a stationary point and remotely access environmental data via your remote device within 100' range.
Kestrel系列气象仪和数据记录仪用于各种研究计划和计划。 在收集数据时,准确性对于保持研究的完整性至关重要。 学术和专业研究人员红隼环境监测工具,因为它们在实验室和现场都具有准确性,可靠性和耐用性。 实验室监控需要易于使用的工具,可以安装或移动以满足不同的需求。 Kestrel提供所需的移动性和必要的功能。
Laboratory Monitoring
Kestrel meters and data loggers are used in a variety of research programs and initiatives. When it comes to collecting data, accuracy is critical to maintaining research integrity. Kestrel environmental monitoring tools are preferred by academic and professional researchers for their accuracy, reliability, and durability both in the lab and in the field. Laboratory monitoring requires easy-to-use tools that can be mounted or moved to accommodate different needs. The Kestrel provides both the mobility desired and the functionality necessary.
园艺师研究植物生命的细节,因此需要一个,准确的工具来监测这种复杂的生命系统。 美国Kestrel气象仪和数据记录仪可用于植物栽培和育种,作物生产,基因工程,植物生物化学和植物生理学的研究。 环境压力会影响植物的健康和行为。 有效监测有助于植物质量,作物产量以及抗虫和抗病性的重要条件,如湿度,风,露点,海拔等。
Horticluture and Farming
Horticulturists study the delicate details of plant life and therefore require a precise, accurate tool for monitoring such complex life systems. Kestrel Weather & Environmental Meters can be used for research in plant cultivation and breeding, crop production, genetic engineering, plant biochemistry and plant physiology. Environmental stresses affect the health and behavior of plant life. Effectively monitor significant conditions that contribute to plant quality, crop yield, and insect and disease resistance, such as humidity, wind, dewpoint, altitude and more.
Kestrel 3500 Pocket Weather Meter
Kestrel 3500 Delta-T Pocket Weather Meter
Kestrel 5000 Environmental Meter
Kestrel 5500 Weather Meter
Kestrel 5500AG Agriculture Weather Meter
Kestrel DROP D2 Wireless Temperature & Humidity Data Logger
Kestrel DROP D3 Wireless Temperature, Humidity & Pressure Data Logger