


使用Kestrel 2500气象仪改善您的钓鱼策略

来源:美国kestrel公司 发布时间:2018-07-22 21:47:37 浏览2187 次

使用Kestrel 2500袖珍气象计改善您的钓鱼策略

无论您是喜欢钓鱼还是经验丰富的专业人士,Kestrel 2500口袋气象计都可以帮助您改善整体钓鱼策略。虽然用蠕虫诱饵挂钩并将其投入水中是一种简单的方法,但Kestrel 2500可以将您的钓鱼活动提升到一个新的水平。

使用Kestrel 2500气象仪钓鱼
Kestrel 2500气象仪有两个重要的捕捞跟踪指标:气压和水温。这些测量可以帮助您增加在更佳环境中捕获更多鱼类的机会。

Kestrel 2500气象仪


Kestrel 2500袖珍气象仪可以帮助您测量大气压力变化,让您在优越的天气条件下捕鱼。



使用Kestrel 2500气象仪改善您的钓鱼策略

无论您是在淡水或海水中钓鱼,水温都可以指示您的生产线上可能会咬什么类型的鱼。 Kestrel 2500袖珍气象仪可以轻松准确地测量水温,从而获得更佳钓鱼体验。
Kestrel 2500气象仪是改善捕鱼策略的更佳工具之一。考虑这个关键的仪器,为您的下一次钓鱼探险。


Improve Your Fishing Strategy with Kestrel 2500 Pocket Weather Meter

Whether you enjoy fishing for stress relief or you’re a seasoned pro, the Kestrel 2500 pocket weather meter can help improve your overall fishing strategy. While baiting a hook with a worm and casting it into the water is a simple approach, the Kestrel 2500 can take your fishing game to the next level.

Using the Kestrel 2500 for Fishing
The Kestrel 2500 has two important tracking indicators for fishing: barometric pressure and water temperatures. These measurements can help increase your chances of catching more fish in the best type of environment possible.

What is Barometric Pressure?
Barometric pressure is the weight of air molecules in the atmosphere. Also known as atmospheric pressure, this is sometimes the culprit for achy joints when rain is approaching. Barometric pressure varies all over the world but it is lowest at sea level.

Why does barometric pressure matter with fishing? Fluctuating atmospheric pressure can impact fish behavior. Not only does barometric pressure fluctuate at different parts of the world, it also changes twice per day due to fluctuating temperatures, which peaks around 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Fish behavior is impacted with barometric pressure because it acts like gravity. It can impact the balance of fish, plant life, and other items in the water. Fish are highly equipped at sensing environmental changes that can greatly impact the results of your game. For example, major cold fronts can stop fish activity entirely.

The Kestrel 2500 pocket weather meter can help you measure atmospheric pressure changes, giving you an edge at catching fish in prime weather conditions.

What is Water Temperature?
Just like measuring the temperature of the air, bodies of water have their own set temperature. Water temperature can even help predict hurricanes and their severity. This measurement also happens to play a role in the success of your fishing.

Fish are cold-blooded animals and cannot regulate their body temperature on their own. Both cold and warm species of fish have different tolerances for water temperature.

This chart from Mepps.com shows the best water temperatures for varying types of freshwater fish:

Favored Fish Temperatures

Whether you’re fishing in freshwater or ocean water, water temperature can indicate what type of fish might be biting on your line.  The Kestrel 2500 pocket weather meter can easily and accurately measure water temperature for the best fishing experience possible.
The Kestrel 2500 is one of the best instruments to improve your fishing strategy. Consider this key instrument for your next fishing expedition.


上一篇: kestrel气象仪用于气象研究和气象爱好者

下一篇: kestrel气象仪如何操作能够测量更准确?
